Calculating number of seconds between two points in time, in Cocoa, even when system clock has changed mid-way

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-11-30 18:41:10

Depending on what's driving this code, you have 2 choices:

  • For absolute precision, use mach_absolute_time(). It will give the time interval exactly between the points at which you called the function.
  • But in a GUI app, this is often actually undesirable. Instead, you want the time difference between the events that started and finished your duration. If so, compare [[NSApp currentEvent] timestamp]

Okay so this is a long shot, but you could try implementing something sort of like NSSystemClockDidChangeNotification available in Snow Leopard.

So bear with me here, because this is a strange idea and is definitely non-derterministic. But what if you had a watchdog thread running through the duration of your program? This thread would, every n seconds, read the system time and store it. For the sake of argument, let's just make it 5 seconds. So every 5 seconds, it compares the previous reading to the current system time. If there's a "big enough" difference ("big enough" would need to definitely be greater than 5, but not too much greater, to account for the non-determinism of process scheduling and thread prioritization), post a notification that there has been a significant time change. You would need to play around with fuzzing the value that constitutes "big enough" (or small enough, if the clock was reset to an earlier time) for your accuracy needs.

I know this is kind of hacky, but barring any other solution, what do you think? Might that, or something like that, solve your issue?


Okay so you modified your original question to say that you'd rather not use a watchdog thread because you are new to multithreading. I understand the fear of doing something a bit more advanced than you are comfortable with, but this might end up being the only solution. In that case, you might have a bit of reading to do. =)

And yeah, I know that something such as Photoshop pegging the crap out of the processor is a problem. Another (even more complicated) solution would be to, instead of having a watchdog thread, have a separate watchdog process that has top priority so it is a bit more immune to processor pegging. But again, this is getting really complicated.

Final Edit

I'm going to leave all my other ideas above for completeness' sake, but it seems that using the system's uptime will also be a valid way to deal with this. Since [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] systemUptime] only works in 10.6+, you can just call mach_absolute_time(). To get access to that function, just #include <mach/mach_time.h>. That should be the same value as returned by NSProcessInfo.

I figured out a way to do this using the UpTime() C function, provided in <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>. This returns Absolute Time (CPU-specific), which can easily be converted into Duration Time (milliseconds, or nanoseconds). Details here: (look under part 3 for UpTime)

I couldn't get mach_absolute_time() to work properly, likely due to my lack of knowledge on it, and not being able to find much documentation on the web about it. It appears to grab the same time as UpTime(), but converting it into a double left me dumbfounded.

[[NSApp currentEvent] timestamp] did work, but only if the application was receiving NSEvents. If the application went into the foreground, it wouldn't receive events, and [[NSApp currentEvent] timestamp] would simply continue to return the same old timestamp again and again in an NSTimer firing method, until the end-user decided to interact with the app again.

Thanks for all your help Marc and Mike! You both definitely sent me in the right direction leading to the answer. :)
