How Can Convert DataRow to DataRowView in c#

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-11-30 17:51:22


DataTable dt=ds.Tables[0];
DataRow dr= dt.NewRow();         
DataRowView drv= dt.DefaultView[dt.Rows.IndexOf(dr)];

The above method does not work if the DataRow status is Detached. This code snippet could be used in such case:

        DataRow dRow = dataTable.NewRow();
        DataRowView dRowView = dRow.Table.DefaultView.AddNew();

        for (int i = 0; i < dRow.ItemArray.Length; i++)
            dRowView.Row[i] = dRow[i];
DataRowView selecRow = dataTable.DefaultView.Cast<DataRowView>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Row == desRow);

works, this is a litte shorter without "where" ;-)

Use. It also works if the DataGrid is ordered.

DataRowView selecRow = dataTable.DefaultView.Cast<DataRowView>().Where(a => a.Row == desRow).FirstOrDefault();