The android gradle documentation says about buildConfigField:
void buildConfigField(String type, String name, String value)
Adds a new field to the generated BuildConfig class. The field is generated as: type name = value;
This means each of these must have valid Java content. If the type is a String, then the value should include quotes.
I can't find any information about the syntax of buildConfigField values for Arrays, Arraylist or a HashMap? Since they are compiled into java code usually everything should be possible.
Does anyone has some examples or documentation?
For array
buildConfigField "String[]", "URL_ARRAY",
"{" +
"\"http:someurl\"," +
"\"http:someurl\"," +
"\"http:someurl\"" +
For Map
buildConfigField "java.util.Map<String, String>", "NAME_MAP",
"new java.util.HashMap<String, " +
"String>() {{ put(\"name\", \"John\"); put(\"name1\", \"John\"); put(\"name2\", " +
"\"John\"); }}"
Access in code:
HashMap<String, String> name = (HashMap<String, String>) BuildConfig.NAME_MAP;
IMHO the reason for using buildConfig
fields is to keep important data out of the code - like environment variables.
another example - static arrays + (requires Gradle 2.13 or above):
nonNullStringArray=new String[]{ \n\
buildConfigField "String[]", "nonNullStringArray", (project.findProperty("nonNullStringArray") ?: "new String[]{}")
buildConfigField "String[]", "nullableStringArray", (project.findProperty("nullableStringArray") ?: "null")
Ok I got it now. The parameters are translated 1:1 in java, this means in fact you need to code java inside gradle and escape properly.
For HashSet:
buildConfigField "java.util.Set<String>", "MY_SET", "new java.util.HashSet<String>() {{ add(\"a\"); }};"
Another example here
Gradle file with environments :
ext {
// Environments list
apiUrl = [
prod : "",
preprod : ""
Gradle Android file :
private static String getApiUrlHashMapAsString(apiUrlMap) {
def hashMap = "new java.util.HashMap<String, String>()" + "{" + "{ "
apiUrlMap.each { k, v -> hashMap += "put(\"${k}\"," + "\"${v}\"" + ");" }
return hashMap + "}" + "}"
android {
defaultConfig {
buildConfigField "java.util.Map<String, String>", "API_URLS", getApiUrlHashMapAsString(apiUrl)
In your code :