I've got three (relevant) models, specified like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts
has_many :comments
has_many :comments_received, :through => :posts, :source => :comments
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :comments
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :post
I'd like to be able to reference all the comments_received
for a user
with a route - let's say it's for batch approval of comments on all posts. (note that you can also get comments
made by the user
, but users can't comment on their own posts, so the comments
through a post
are different and mutually exclusive). Logically, this should work with:
map.resources :users, :has_many => [:posts, :comments, :comments_received]
This should give me routes of
The first two work, the last one doesn't. I've tried it without the _
in comments_received
to no avail. I'm looking to get a URL like
I've also tried nesting it, but maybe I'm doing that wrong. In that case, I'd think the map would be:
map.resources :users do |user|
user.resources :comments
user.resources :posts, :has_many => :comments
and then the url might be:
Maybe this is the right way to do it, but I have the syntax wrong?
Am I thinking about this the wrong way? It seems reasonable to me that I should be able to get a page of all the comments
added to all of a user's posts.
Thanks for your help!
Although the syntax to deinfe resource and model relationship is similar, you shouldn't be fooled into thinking that a resource maps to a model. Read what David Black has to say.
The problem you're having is with the routes you're generating. Using the nested syntax like so:
map.resources :users do |user|
user.resources :posts
user.resources :comments
user.resources :comments_received
And then running 'rake routes'
, gives me (amongst loads of other stuff!):
users GET /users {:action=>"index", :controller=>"users"}
user_posts GET /users/:user_id/posts {:action=>"index", :controller=>"posts"}
user_comments GET /users/:user_id/comments {:action=>"index", :controller=>"comments"}
user_comments_received_index GET /users/:user_id/comments_received {:action=>"index", :controller=>"comments_received"}
So it appears that rails is adding _index to the end of the comments_received route. I'll admit I don't know why (something to do with clashing with the other comments route?) but it explains your problem.
An nicer alternative might be to define a collection action on your comments resource, like so:
map.resources :users do |user|
user.resources :posts
user.resources :comments, :collection => {:received => :get}
This will give you the following routes:
users GET /users {:action=>"index", :controller=>"users"}
user_posts GET /users/:user_id/posts {:action=>"index", :controller=>"posts"}
user_comments GET /users/:user_id/comments {:action=>"index", :controller=>"comments"}
received_user_comments GET /users/:user_id/comments/received {:action=>"received", :controller=>"comments"}
Note: the received action is now on the comments controller
I have to confess, I'm a little confused by the variable names, but first off, I'm surprised your has_many :through works at all the way it's defined. Do the models behave as you expect, setting aside the routes for a second?
Second, and this is where the variable names really come into play, the routes have some dependencies on pluralization, so your foos bars and bazs might either be a cause of the problem, or might be hiding the problem. In any event, you can definitely write something like this:
map.resources :users do |user|
user.resources :awards
user.resources :contest_entries do |contest_entry|
contest_entry.resources :awards
which I believe would give you:
user_path, user_awards_path, user_contest_entry_path, and user_contest_entry_awards_path.
I'm not sure if this really answers your question, and it might help to get a clearer picture of what's going on here if you changed foo, bar, and baz to something closer to the real situation.
A quick-n-dirty solution would be to add a custom method (e.g. getusercomments) to your users-controller that would return all the comments:
def getusercomments
@user = User.find(params[:id])
@comments = @user.posts.comments
Then add this method to your users-route:
map.resources :users, :member => { :getusercomments => :get }
Afterwards you should be able to call the following to get all comments of a user: