Linear Programming (Simplex LP) PuLP?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-11-30 15:39:28

In general you create a dictionary of variables (x in this case) and a model variable (mod in this case). To create the objective you use sum over the variables times some scalars, adding that result to mod. You construct constraints by again computing linear combinations of variables, using >=, <=, or ==, and adding that constraint to mod. Finally you use mod.solve() to get the solutions.

import pulp

# Create variables and model
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("x", df.index, lowBound=0)
mod = pulp.LpProblem("Budget", pulp.LpMaximize)

# Objective function
objvals = {idx: (1.0/(df['30-day Cost'][idx]/df['Trials'][idx]))*(df['Success'][idx]/float(df['Trials'][idx])) for idx in df.index}
mod += sum([x[idx]*objvals[idx] for idx in df.index])

# Lower and upper bounds:
for idx in df.index:
    mod += x[idx] >= df['Cost Min'][idx]
    mod += x[idx] <= df['Cost Max'][idx]

# Budget sum
mod += sum([x[idx] for idx in df.index]) == 5000.0

# Solve model

# Output solution
for idx in df.index:
    print idx, x[idx].value()
# 0 2570.0
# 1 1350.0
# 2 1080.0

print 'Objective', pulp.value(mod.objective)
# Objective 1798.70495012


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
idx = [0, 1, 2]
d = {'channel': pd.Series(['Channel1', 'Channel2', 'Channel3'], index=idx),
     '30-day Cost': pd.Series([1765.21, 2700., 2160.], index=idx),
     'Trials': pd.Series([9865, 1500, 1200], index=idx),
     'Success': pd.Series([812, 900, 333], index=idx),
     'Cost Min': pd.Series([882.61, 1350.00, 1080.00], index=idx),
     'Cost Max': pd.Series([2647.82, 4050.00, 3240.00], index=idx)}
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
#    30-day Cost  Cost Max  Cost Min  Success  Trials   channel
# 0      1765.21   2647.82    882.61      812    9865  Channel1
# 1      2700.00   4050.00   1350.00      900    1500  Channel2
# 2      2160.00   3240.00   1080.00      333    1200  Channel3