UITextView setText should not jump to top in ios8

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-11-30 15:06:11

Try just to add text to UITextView (without scrollRangeToVisible/scrollEnabled). It seams that hack with scroll enabled/disabled is no more needed in iOS8 SDK. UITextView scrolls automatically.

I meet this problem too. You can try this.

textView.layoutManager.allowsNonContiguousLayout = NO;


The following two solutions don't work for me on iOS 8.0.

textView.scrollEnabled = NO;
[textView.setText: text];
textView.scrollEnabled = YES;


CGPoint offset = textView.contentOffset;
[textView.setText: text];
[textView setContentOffset:offset];

I setup a delegate to the textview to monitor the scroll event, and noticed that after my operation to restore the offset, the offset is reset to 0 again. So I instead use the main operation queue to make sure my restore operation happens after the "reset to 0" option.

Here's my solution that works for iOS 8.0.

CGPoint offset = self.textView.contentOffset;
self.textView.attributedText = replace;
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock: ^{
    [self.textView setContentOffset: offset];