Why getClass returns the name of the class + $1 (or $*)

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-11-30 13:37:49

That shows an inner class (either anonymous (if it has a number) or named). For example:

class Foo {
    static class Bar {

The name of class Foo.Bar is Foo$Bar. Now if we had:

class Foo {

    static void bar() {
        Runnable r = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {};


That will print Foo$1.

You can see the same effect in the naming of the class files created by javac.

These are instances of an anonymous class. ViewPart$1 is the first anonymous class defined inside ViewPart - but that doesn't mean it's a subclass of ViewPart. It's most likely an anoymous implementation of some Listener interface.

$ denotes for inner class. For example consider two classes

public class TopClass {
  class SubClass {
     // some methods
  }// inner class end
} // outer class end

If you compile this code you will get two class files TopClass.class and TopClass$SubClass.class.

Check your ViewPart class whether it has any inner classes. Hope it helps.
