how to best conditional template show in angular 4

早过忘川 提交于 2019-11-30 13:05:45

In angular 4 you can use if.. else.. structure for html templates

You can use it in this way:

<div *ngIf="isUser; else otherContent">
    some Content  here......
<ng-template #otherContent>
        some Content here .....

but in your case, the prettiest solutions will be if... then... else... conditional

<ng-container *ngIf="isUser; then someContent else otherContent"></ng-container>

<ng-template #someContent ><div>some content...</div></ng-template>
<ng-template #otherContent ><div>other content...</div></ng-template>

NgIf is a structural directive. That means your component would be destroyed when the expression becomes false.

So if your component is often destroyed and created again than this can be an issue. In this case the [hidden] directive should be considered. It only sets display:none. In this case your component would not be destroyed.

<div [hidden]="expression">{{val}}</div>

use NgIf with else condition

<div *ngIf="isUser;else Other">
    some Content  here......

<ng-template #Other> some Content here .....</ng-template>