Google Map Android API v2 can't display map in play store application

好久不见. 提交于 2019-11-26 11:16:29


I am working with the Google Map Android API v2 in an android application.

It works fine with the unsigned apk on a different device. But when I have signed the apk and uploaded my application to the Play Store the downloaded application displays a white screen instead of the map.


What type of keystore you are using? there are two keys. Debug and release key. If you use debug key and uploaded in android market, map will look blank. Use release key when you signed your apk.

Release key procedure

Step 1:

Say for example your apk name is A and you are signing and creating a keystore for A.apk ie A.keystore will be created in some drive location.Let's consider it in E drive.

step 2:

Now locate to jdk in C drive(Considering for windows and assigning C drive)

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin>keytool -list -v -keystore E:\A.keystore -alias A

So it will create SHA-1 finger print.


This happens because mapApi key is different for signed apk and unsigned apk.

You have to generate SHA1 key using your keystore with which you singned your apk.

Don't worry just follow the steps.

open terminal and fire command

keytool -list -alias -keystore -v

Alias name: abcd

Creation date: 15 Mar, 2013

Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry

Certificate chain length: 1


Owner: CN=abc, OU=abc, O=abc, L=abc, ST=abc, C=91

Issuer: CN=abc, OU=abc, O=abc, L=abc, ST=abc, C=91

Serial number: 5142a21d

Valid from: Fri Mar 15 09:52:53 IST 2013 until: Sat Mar 03 09:52:53 IST 2063

Certificate fingerprints:

 MD5:  D3:CA:6D:F4:5E:B6:E1:48:F1:D6:DB:C4:67:F5:C3:B2

 SHA1: 03:D8:EF:05:04:CF:06:86:15:1A:F1:D3:B1:18:46:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

 Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA

 Version: 3

Take SHA1 key from List

Open your google api console and generate new key and give SHA1 key with your packagename


Put the new map api key in your code.


what i have used for SHA1 key is

for debug key need to use from preference sha 1 finger print..


Create release key for android map using the key you have used to create your release. It will work.


Just check your google_maps_key under the src/release directory, you should place there your own key from the google console (the one you got with the release fingerprint SHA1).

