How to define a Python metaclass with Boost.Python?

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-11-30 11:46:39

Okay this feels like a hack but it seems to work.

#include <boost/python.hpp>

class Meta
    static boost::python::object
    newClass(boost::python::object cls, std::string name, boost::python::tuple bases, boost::python::dict attrs)
        attrs["foo"] = "bar";
        boost::python::object types = boost::python::import("types");
        boost::python::object type = types.attr("TypeType");
        return type.attr("__new__")(type, name, bases, attrs);

    .def("__new__", &Meta::newClass)

then in python

from meta import Meta

class Test(object):
    __metaclass__ = Meta

print Test,
<class '__main__.Test'> bar

I tried some other things which didn't use the boost::python::object system but couldn't get anything that worked like this from the python side.

Although strictly speaking this isnt a metaclass as it doesnt inherit from type, but it behaves like one because type is used directly in the newClass function when calling new. If thats not a problem then it might be wise to change it from

return type.attr("__new__")(type, name, bases, attrs);


return type.attr("__new__")(cls.attr("__class__"), name, bases, attrs);

or something similar so Boost::Python::class is used instead of type.
