object (Car) Detection and segmentation

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-11-30 10:24:56

First of all, Detection and Segmentation are two different problems. First decide which one you wanna do.

If your problem is 'Car Detection From Single Image', you can't do it by segmentation. You can segment image into parts and by using another approach (take the biggest segmented region) you can find the car in the image, but I'm sure it won't work for all images. That's why watershed algorithm didn't work. Segmentation algorithms just segments the image doesn't give you particular object/region in it. For example if you look at the image shown, it is segmented into regions, but you can't know which region is which.


If you want to detect cars in images, you need to approach this problem as object detection problem. This link will provide you some information about car detection problem. It has two papers about it and a database to test approaches.

Hope it helps..

For car detection I would use latern svm detector with the "Car" model:


I guess like @GilLevi says once you have learned a set of global features for cars for the detection problem, one can produce a sublabelling of the classes of cars based on more specific features: like color distribution, shape templates, logos etc, and becomes another class of semantic image segmentation. You would still largely gain from the learning part than focussing on a segmentation specific approach which would need many variables to tune. Another dataset with cars: http://lear.inrialpes.fr/people/marszalek/data/ig02/
