How to use Asynchronous/Batch writes feature with Datastax Java driver

允我心安 提交于 2019-11-30 09:24:24
Lyuben Todorov

For asynch it's as simple as using the executeAsync function:


For the batch, you need to build the query (I use strings because the compiler knows how to optimize string concatenation really well):

String cql =  "BEGIN BATCH "
       cql += "INSERT INTO test.prepared (id, col_1) VALUES (?,?); ";
       cql += "INSERT INTO test.prepared (id, col_1) VALUES (?,?); ";
       cql += "APPLY BATCH; "

PreparedStatement prepStatement = DatastaxConnection.getSession().prepare(cql);

// this is where you need to be careful
// bind expects a comma separated list of values for all the params (?) above
// so for the above batch we need to supply 4 params:                     
BoundStatement query = prepStatement.bind(userId, "col1_val", userId_2, "col1_val_2");


On a side note, I think your binding of the statement might look something like this, assuming you change attributes to a list of maps where each map represents an update/insert inside the batch:

BoundStatement query = prepStatement.bind(userId,
                                          attributesList.get(0).values().toArray(new Object[attributes.size()]), 
                                          attributesList.get(1).values().toArray(new Object[attributes.size()])); 

For the example provided in Lyuben's answer, setting certain attributes of a batch like Type.COUNTER (if you need to update counters) using strings won't work. Instead you can arrange your prepared statements in batch like so:

final String insertQuery = "INSERT INTO test.prepared (id, col_1) VALUES (?,?);";
final PreparedStatement prepared = session.prepare(insertQuery);

final BatchStatement batch = new BatchStatement(BatchStatement.Type.UNLOGGED);
batch.add(prepared.bind(userId1, "something"));
batch.add(prepared.bind(userId2, "another"));
batch.add(prepared.bind(userId3, "thing"));
