dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: (and dismissViewControllerAnimated) crashing in iOS 5

不问归期 提交于 2019-11-30 09:12:12

In iOS5 the managing of the lifecyle somehow changed and I cannot explain that issue in detail. Anyway, the fix is to postpone that workflow from applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions to applicationDidBecomeActive. It seems that something isn't initialized right at the call of applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions.

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions:... {    
    // in order to do this only at launching, but not on every activation 
    // Declaration as property for example
    applicationDidLaunch = YES;

- (void) applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
    if (applicationDidLaunch) {
        applicationDidLaunch = NO;
        [Start your login Workflow with modal view presenting here]

Curious to ur feedback :)....

I will add my 2 cents : i had ImagePickerController and got its dismissing working only when i did not release the picker manually (IOS 5 SDK).

So. for your case i could offer such workaround : 1. remove line - [loginController release]; 2. to prevent memory leaks add loginController as a property to your current controller and release it only in dealloc() of current controller :

@interface myViewController : UIViewController 

@property (nonatomic, retain) LoginController *loginController;



@implementation myViewController

- (void)showLoginPanel {    
    self.loginController = [[LoginController alloc] initWithNibName:@"LoginControllerGG" bundle:nil];
     // ... something goes here  

    // this should close all windows as far as you call it from current (main) controller
    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]; 
    // ... then anything you want EXCEPT [loginController release];

    [loginController release];


Good luck :)

P.S. I have just written this so it is just an idea how to cheat it. Somebosy may correct me ... though anyway it worked for me.
