How do escape a MySQL LIKE statement in node-mysql?
Something along the lines of
"SELECT * FROM card WHERE name LIKE '%" + connection.escape(req.body.search) + "%'"
Results in
'SELECT * FROM card WHERE name LIKE \'%\'hello\'%\''
Which is a syntax error. If I use the alternative syntax of
connection.query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE name LIKE '%?%'", req.body.search, function () {});
Results in a similar syntax error. I've also tried
connection.query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE name LIKE ?", '%' + req.body.search + '%', function () {});
Which just ends up escaping the '%' sign.
Not sure why it's escaping the %
in your last example, because that works fine for me:
// lifted from my code:
var value = 'ee20e966289cd7';
connection.query('SELECT * from django_session where session_key like ?', '%' + value + '%', ...)
// Result:
[ { session_key: '713ee20e966289cd71b936084a1e613e', ... } ]
When I turn on debugging in the driver (pass debug:true
as argument to mysql.createConnection
), it doesn't escape the percent sign:
{ command: 3,
sql: 'SELECT * from django_session where session_key like \'%ee20e966289cd7%\'' }
(it does escape the single quote, but that's for display purposes only)
(using mysql@2.0.0-alpha8
i've had success with something like
"SELECT * FROM card WHERE name LIKE " + connection.escape('%'+req.body.search+'%')
How about
mysql.format("SELECT * FROM card WHERE name LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')", req.body.search)