RxSwift and isSelected property on UIButton

梦想与她 提交于 2019-11-30 05:47:53

Subject and by extension Variable are most of the time only useful when bridging from imperative to reactive world. Here, you could do without them.

.do(onNext:) is also a way to perform side effect, something you usually don't want in your reactive code.

// force unwrap to avoid having to deal with optionals later on
let buttons = [button1, button2, button3].map { $0! }

// create an observable that will emit the last tapped button (which is
// the one we want selected)
let selectedButton = Observable.from(
  buttons.map { button in button.rx.tap.map { button } }

// for each button, create a subscription that will set its `isSelected`
// state on or off if it is the one emmited by selectedButton
buttons.reduce(Disposables.create()) { disposable, button in
    let subscription = selectedButton.map { $0 == button }

    // combine two disposable together so that we can simply call
    // .dispose() and the result of reduce if we want to stop all
    // subscriptions
    return Disposables.create(disposable, subscription)