How can I pool connections using psycopg and gevent?

梦想与她 提交于 2019-11-30 03:23:59

I assume you know gevent-psycopg2 module, which makes psycopg greenlet-friendly.

Looking for connection pooling solution I've tried 2 solutions:

  • SQLALchemy - it seems to work properly with monkey-patched threads and gevent-psycopg2. The QueuePool class uses threading module internally for locking, monkey patching is thus necessary, even though gevent-psycopg2 makes psycopg2 green.

  • there's a psycopg2 connection pooling example in gevent examples

I've tried both solutions, but not at production load - so I can't say about their robustness yet.

If you call gevent.monkey.patch_thread() you should be able to use psycopg2.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool.

Denis Bilenko

Here's a good pool (not just example, but used in production):
