SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable

心已入冬 提交于 2019-11-26 10:15:36

The project might be missing a settings.gradle file. Make sure that file exists from the project you are importing. If not add the settings.gradle file with the following :

include ':app'

Save the file and put it at the top level folder in your project.

Harsh Mittal

I know this answer is late, but I hope it helps others.

The answer is simple. You have to just copy your file to the folder where project is stored and it will work like charm. But remember, it must be placed in the root folder where the project is stored.

Hoque MD Zahidul

Please follow below steps it work's for me:

  • Go to your react-native Project then go to android directory Create a file with this name

  • Open the file and paste your Android SDK path like below :

For windows users:


Replace UserName with your pc user name . Also make sure the folder is sdk or Sdk. In my case my computer user name is Zahid so the path look like :


For Mac users:

sdk.dir = /Users/USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk

Where USERNAME is your OSX username

For Linux (Ubuntu) users:

sdk.dir = /home/USERNAME/Android/Sdk

Where USERNAME is your linux username(Linux paths are case-sensitive: make sure the case of S in Sdk matches)

In case if this doesn't work, add ANDROID_HOME variable in "Environment Variables" as C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk

This problem is encountered when you try to import an Android Studio project from the ../app/build.gradle file.

Import the project by selecting the ../build.gradle file located in the root directory of your project.

Qutbuddin Bohra

Check out in your file


properly write this format, and also check / slas using for path

Jim Andreas

Here is a work around for the problem when you click "Run App" (green arrow) and get the **Error:

Please select Android SDK** in the Edit Configuration dialog.


  1. File /Settings/Appearance and Behavior/System Settings/Android SDK
  2. Look at the top for Android SDK Location: path to your SDK Edit
  3. Click the Edit button
  4. Hit Next, Next, Finish to accept the defaults

This seems to save away the SDK location - even though nothing has changed - into some internal location. I inspected the .idea and .gradle folders but didn't see what Studio did to change a config file - but now I can run the app.

And to summarize the previous fixes - these are normally OK for a repo without build problems:

  • file is copied into the root folder by Studio

  • the path in the file has the correct path to the android SDK - in my case it is sdk.dir=C:\\android\\sdk (note that this path has a different format - Studio should write this file for you based on the Text Entry field in the Android SDK Settings dialog)

  • settings.gradle file is present in the repo - and references the application folder (typically :app)


Please follow bellow points it work's for me:

  1. Go to your Project -> Android
  2. Create a file
  3. Open the file
  4. paste your Android SDK path like below :

    sdk.dir = C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/Android/sdk

Replace USERNAME with your user name


In Linux:

If you have already downloaded the android SDK but its not being found.

The problem might be that the file needs to be inside the same directory as gradle stuff for gradle to find it when building and running adb.

For my react-native project using gradle I needed to put the file to Myprojectname/android/ folder.

As I had unzipped the SDK to Downloads so I just use that path in the file with a row like this:


I resolved this issue by creating ANDROID_HOME environment variable as follows in windows.


Restart Android Studio it should build project!

If you are trying to run Google android sample code, try to import the entire repository instead of an individual sample.

Here is the relevant section from instructions.html, included with the Google Calendar API sample code

  • Import calendar-android-sample project
    • Select "Import Project..." or File > Import Project...
    • Select [someDirectory]/google-api-java-client-samples/build.gradle and click OK.
      • Note: it will not work if you try to import [someDirectory]/google-api-java-client-samples/calendar-android-sample/build.gradle
    • Select "Use local gradle distribution" with "Gradle home" of [someDirectory]/gradle-2.2.1 and click OK.

Just Remove .idea folder and import the project again. It's worked for me.

Arhat Baid

There is not a single reason for this error.

  1. settings.gradle may be missing or the content in it may be wrong.
  2. may be missing or the sdk path may be wrongly written.

the best and the easiest way is to create new Android project move "app" folder from non working project to that newly made one and add the needed dependencies in the gradle of your new project and everything will work perfectly )

Tzvetlin Velev

put these two lines in your .bashrc file and run source ~/.bashrc

export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/$USER/Library/Android/sdk export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

For linux I did this.(For the first line)

export ANDROID_HOME=/home/$USER/Android/Sdk

For Mac/Linux users

You need to add ANDROID_HOME to your path, add the following to your .bashrc || .zshrc || .profile file

# change $HOME to the path where you installed android Sdk
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk

Then run

$ source ~/.bashrc || .zshrc || .profile

Environment variables in bash_profile or bashrc?

Difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile

Found working solution for me. Without adding and set up ANDROID_HOME variable. Seems like a bug in Android Studio and Intellij IDEA. You just need to ask IDE to "reset" path to Android SDK. 'SDK Location not found' in Android Studio despite having the environment variable set correctly

create a file in your root directory of your project with the following content

## This file is automatically generated by Android Studio.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file must *NOT* be checked into Version Control Systems,
# as it contains information specific to your local configuration.
# Location of the SDK. This is only used by Gradle.
# For customization when using a Version Control System, please read the
# header note.
#Tue Oct 24 17:40:53 CEST 2017


I got this error after freshly cloning a repository. I expected to be generated automatically, but it wasn't. I was able to generate it by re-importing the Gradle project.

File > Re-import Gradle Project

If all else fails, copy the file to the root of the project directory. Simply.

Anyone using Jenkins, might get it useful

You need to define a global variable name ANDROID_HOME with the value of the path to android sdk.

For mac, it is /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Library/Android/sdk

If you have this problem when you pull a react-native project, you just need to open the android project with Android Studio. Everything you need will be automatically created.

  • Open Android Studio
  • File -> Open
  • Choose the android folder under your react-native project folder
  • Wait for AndroidStudio to complete setup
  • You can now close Android Studio

Check, 1. In Module settings, whether, SDK location is proper. 2. If Yes, check for file (Not the one placed inside app module, but the one placed outside the app module, at parent level). If not present add it with below lines inside it.


I just faced the issue when I cloned my repo from Github and ran ./gradlew clean assembleDebug. I confirm I have ANDROID_HOME in my .bashrc file.

So, I imported the project into Android Studio. Noticed that extension of my settings.gradle file is .kts, settings.gradle.kts. When I am done with import then I ran ./gradlew clean assembleDebug and didn't get any issue.

John Akinola

I tried

sdk.dir = \Users\OLUWAGBEMIGA\AppData\Local\Android\sdk 

and it worked, I simply pasted it in the project folder and outside.

In the environment variable I also used the sdk link above and the name ANDROID_HOME as the path name. Close everything reopen and Cabom it all worked

I find My Solution too. I just Sync Gradle I have all folders (settings .gradle,..) but I take this error .. I just Run Sync Project With Gradle File and EditSdkLocation And be ok ...

This solution actually works for me.. go to this pc -> properties -> advanced system settings -> environment variables -> then in system variable create new variable with name ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and value C:\Users{USERNAME(Replace it with your username}\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk

and make sure that if real android mobile using usb debugging is enabled. (very important)

then close cmd and restart it should work.

In my case, I had to close Project and open again. It worked fine. Like This

Close Project

And again Open Project Again

i was thinking your setting.gradle file is missing. Copy this file another project and paste your project.It will work i think.

in setting.gradle file ,

include ':app'

thats all. Have a good day.

You should download The Android SDK.

Use this link to download it.

Then you should define its location to Android Studio. Follow the steps:

  1. File->project Structure into Project Structure
  2. Left > SDK Location
  3. SDK location select Android SDK location (old version use Press +, add another sdk)

Good luck.
