Proper fix for Java 10 complaining about illegal reflection access by jaxb-impl 2.3.0?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-11-29 23:40:34

jaxb-ri runtime uses ClassLoader#defineClass / Unsafe#defineClass to do some bytecode modification in runtime to optimize performance. ClassLoader#defineClass is tried first which causes the warning.

This legacy optimization is removed completely in jaxb-ri master (after 2.3.0, not released yet).

To disable this optimization for 2.3.0, set system property com.sun.xml.bind.v2.bytecode.ClassTailor.noOptimize.

After next jaxb-ri release updating to newest version will remove the warning. jaxb-core artifact will be discontinued in favor for JPMS support. Correct pom will look like:

    <version>2.4.0</version> <!-- not released yet -->
    <version>2.4.0</version> <!-- not released yet -->

If you wish to try early, you can pick latest promoted build from:

kudos to @Roman Grigoriadi , He was right, the updated 2.4 version fixes the warning issues. Just add the dependencies below to the pom file
