Ascii Art - Java [closed]

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-11-29 22:39:36

You can write text to a bitmap in any font you want and scan the bitmap to produce the ASCII art. You can even use anti-aliasing for effect. ;)

The last time I did this was about tens years ago. ;)

BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(144, 32, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics g = image.getGraphics();
g.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 24));
Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) g;
graphics.drawString("Hello World!", 6, 24);
ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File("text.png"));

for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int x = 0; x < 144; x++)
        sb.append(image.getRGB(x, y) == -16777216 ? " " : image.getRGB(x, y) == -1 ? "#" : "*");
    if (sb.toString().trim().isEmpty()) continue;

writes out an image

and prints

    ##         ##                 ##    ##                      *#*      *##**      *#*                       ##            ##     ##       
    ##         ##                 ##    ##                      *#*      *###*      *#*                       ##            ##     ##       
    ##         ##                 ##    ##                      *#*      *#*#*      *#*                       ##            ##     ##       
    ##         ##                 ##    ##                      *#*     *******     *#*                       ##            ##     ##       
    ##         ##     *******     ##    ##     *******           *#*    *#* *#*    *#*    *******     ##****  ##     ****** ##     ##       
    ##         ##    **#####**    ##    ##    **#####**          *#*    *#* *#*    *#*   **#####**    ##*##*  ##    **#####*##     ##       
    ##         ##   **#*****#**   ##    ##   **#** **#**         *#*   **#* *#*    *#*  **#** **#**   ##****  ##   **#** ***##     ##       
    #############   *#*     *#*   ##    ##   *#*     *#*         *#*   *#*   *#*   *#*  *#*     *#*   ##*     ##   *#*     *##     ##       
    #############   *#*     *#*   ##    ##   *#*     *#*         ****  *#*   *#*  ****  *#*     *#*   ##*     ##   *#*     *##     ##       
    ##         ##   *#########*   ##    ##   *#*     *#*          *#*  *#*   *#*  *#*   *#*     *#*   ##      ##   *#*     *##     ##       
    ##         ##   *#########*   ##    ##   *#       #*          *#* *#*     *#* *#*   *#       #*   ##      ##   *#       ##     ##       
    ##         ##   *#*           ##    ##   *#*     *#*          *#* *#*     *#* *#*   *#*     *#*   ##      ##   *#*     *##     ##       
    ##         ##   *#*           ##    ##   *#*     *#*          *****#*     *#*****   *#*     *#*   ##      ##   *#*     *##     ##       
    ##         ##   *#*     *#*   ##    ##   *#*     *#*           *#*#*       *#*#*    *#*     *#*   ##      ##   *#*     *##              
    ##         ##   **#** *****   ##    ##   **#** **#**           *#*#*       *#*#*    **#** **#**   ##      ##   **#** ***##              
    ##         ##    **######*    ##    ##    **#####**            *###*       *###*     **#####**    ##      ##    **#####*##     ##       
    ##         ##     *******     ##    ##     *******             *##**       **##*      *******     ##      ##     ****** ##     ##    

change to BOLD

    ###       ###                 ###    ###                        *##*     *###*     *##*                          ###            ###    #
    ###       ###                 ###    ###                        *##*     *###*     *##*                          ###            ###    #
    ###       ###                 ###    ###                        *##*     *###*     *##*                          ###            ###    #
    ###       ###                 ###    ###                        **##*   **###**   *##**                          ###            ###    #
    ###       ###     *******     ###    ###      *******            *##*   *##*##*   *##*     *******      ###****  ###     ****** ###    *
    ###       ###    **#####**    ###    ###    **#######**          *##*   *##*##*   *##*   **#######**    ###*##*  ###    **#####*###    *
    ###       ###   **#######**   ###    ###    *#########*          *##**  *#* *#*  **#**   *#########*    #####**  ###   **##########    *
    #############   *##** **##*   ###    ###   *###** **###*          *##* *##* *##* *##*   *###** **###*   ###**    ###   *##******###    *
    #############   *##*   *##*   ###    ###   *##*     *##*          *##* *##* *##* *##*   *##*     *##*   ###*     ###   *##*    *###    *
    #############   *#########*   ###    ###   *##*     *##*          *##* *##* **#* *##*   *##*     *##*   ###*     ###   *##*    *###    *
    ###       ###   *#########*   ###    ###   ###       ##*           *##*##*   *#**##*    ###       ##*   ###*     ###   *##      ###    *
    ###       ###   *##*          ###    ###   *##*     *##*           *##*##*   *##*##*    *##*     *##*   ###      ###   *##*    *###    *
    ###       ###   *##*          ###    ###   *##*     *##*           *#####*   *#####*    *##*     *##*   ###      ###   *##*    *###    *
    ###       ###   *##*****##*   ###    ###   *###** **###*           **###**    *###**    *###** **###*   ###      ###   *##******###     
    ###       ###   **########*   ###    ###    *#########*             *###*     *###*      *#########*    ###      ###   **##########    #
    ###       ###    **######*    ###    ###    **#######**             *###*     *###*      **#######**    ###      ###    **#####*###    #
    ###       ###     *******     ###    ###      *******               *###*     *###*        *******      ###      ###     *******###    #


      *#*        *#*                *#*   *#*                      *#*       *##*      **#*                      *#*          *#*  *#*      
      *#*        *#*                *#*   *#*                      *#*      *###*      *#*                       *#*          *#*  *#*      
      *#*        *#*                *#*   *#*                      *#*      *###*     **#*                       *#*          *#*  *#*      
      *#*        *#*                *#*   *#*                      *#*     *#**#*     *#*                        *#*          *#*  *#*      
     ****       *#*    *******     ****  ****   *******            *#*     *#**#*    ****   *******    *#* **#* ****   ********#*  *#*      
     *#*        *#*   **######*    *#*   *#*   **######*           *#*    *#***#*    *#*   **######*   *#**###* *#*   **####**#**  **       
     *#*        *#*  **#******#*   *#*   *#*  **#******#*          *#*   **#* *#*   ****  **#******#*  *#****   *#*  *##** **##*  *#*       
     *############* **#*     *#*   *#*   *#* **#*     *#*          *#*   *#*  *#*   *#*  **#*     *#*  *#**     *#* **#*    **#*  *#*       
    **###########** *#*       #*  ****  **** *#*      *#*          *#*  **#*  *#*  ****  *#*      *#* **#*     **** *#*      *#*  *#*       
    *#*        *#*  *##########*  *#*   *#*  *#*       #*          *#*  *#*   *#*  *#*   *#*       #* *#**     *#*  *#*      *#*  **        
    *#*        *#*  *##########*  *#*   *#*  *#*      *#*          *#* ****   *#* *#**   *#*      *#* *#*      *#*  *#*      *#*  **        
    *#*        *#*  *#            *#*   *#*  *#       *#*          *#* *#*    *#* *#*    *#       *#* *#*      *#*  *#      ***   **        
    *#*        *#*  *#*           *#*   *#*  *#*     **#*          *#**#**    *#**#**    *#*     **#* *#*      *#*  *#*     *#*   **        
   *#*        *#*   *#*     **** *#*   *#*   *#*     *#**          *#**#*     *#**#*     *#*     *#***#*      *#*   *#*    **#*             
   *#*        *#*   *#*******#*  *#*   *#*   *#*** **##*           *###**     *###**     *#*** **##* *#*      *#*   *#******##*             
   *#*        *#*    *######**   *#*   *#*    *######**            *###*      *###*       *######**  *#*      *#*   **#####**#*  *#*        
   *#*        *#*     *******    *#*   *#*     *******              ##*       *##*         *******   *#*      *#*    ********#*  *#*        

Change the Font to SERIF BOLD

   #######   #######             ####   ####                   *######* *######*   ####*                       ####         ####    ***     
    *###*     *###*              *###   *###                    **##**   **##**    ****                        *###         *###    *#*     
     ###       ###                ###    ###                     *##**    **##*     **                          ###          ###    *#*     
     ###       ###                ###    ###                      *##*     *##*    ***                          ###          ###    *#*     
     ###       ###                ###    ###                      *##*     **#**   **                           ###          ###    *#*     
     ###       ###      ******    ###    ###     ******           **##*   ***##*   **     ******    #### ****   ###     *****###    *#*     
     ###       ###     *#***#**   ###    ###    *#****#*           *##*   ***##*   **    *#****#*   *###*###*   ###    *#****###    *#*     
     #############    *##* *##*   ###    ###   *##*  *##*          *##*   ****#** **    *##*  *##*   ###*****   ###   *##*  *###    *#*     
     ###       ###    *##   ##*   ###    ###   *##*  *##*           *##* **  *##* **    *##*  *##*   ###*       ###   *##*   ###    *#*     
     ###       ###    *#######*   ###    ###   *##    ##*           *##* **  *##* **    *##    ##*   ###*       ###   *##    ###    *#*     
     ###       ###    *##*        ###    ###   *##    ##*           *##***   **##**     *##    ##*   ###        ###   *##    ###    *#      
     ###       ###    *##*        ###    ###   *##    ##*            *##**    *##**     *##    ##*   ###        ###   *##    ###            
     ###       ###    *##*   **   ###    ###   *##*  *##*            *##**    *###*     *##*  *##*   ###        ###   *##*   ###            
     ###       ###    *##** ***   ###    ###   *##*  *##*            **#*      *#*      *##*  *##*   ###        ###   *##*  *###*   ***     
    *###*     *###*    *#####*   *###*  *###*   *#****#*              *#*      *#*       *#****#*   *###*      *###*  **#****####   *#*     
   #######   #######   ******    #####  #####    ******               ***      *#*        ******    #####      #####   **********   ***     

This problem is solved in four steps.

  1. Create an ascii art representation (as a 2d rectangular array) for each letter you intend to support. Perhaps these are loaded from a resource file.
  2. Parse the input string into character tokens and acquire the art for those characters.
  3. Make a rectangular array that is as tall as the tallest token, as wide as the sum of each tokens' width (plus space between characters if not included in the images themselves).
  4. Copy each one into the giant array at the correct location.