Risk of missing events from ETW logging with EventSource

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-11-29 21:36:42

The EventSource class comes in two versions, one included with the .NET Framework and another in the NuGet package Microsoft EventSource Library. I assume that you use the NuGet package because it contains newer code.

The constructor for the EventSource base class has an overload that takes a boolean argument throwOnEventWriteErrors with the following documentation (NuGet package version

By default calling the 'WriteEvent' methods do NOT throw on errors (they silently discard the event). This is because in most cases users assume logging is not 'precious' and do NOT wish to have logging failures crash the program. However for those applications where logging is 'precious' and if it fails the caller wishes to react, setting 'throwOnEventWriteErrors' will cause an exception to be thrown if WriteEvent fails. Note the fact that EventWrite succeeds does not necessarily mean that the event reached its destination only that operation of writing it did not fail.

Unfortunately, the last sentence contains a caveat emptor but if you look into the source code for the EventSource you can see that the underlying return codes from the OS calls are used to throw different exceptions for NoFreeBuffers and EventTooBig (and other errors).

So if you turn on throwOnEventWriteErrors you will get exceptions if the EventSource class is unable to deliver the event to ETW. However, if ETW fails for another reason you wont get any exception but if you ensure that your ETW channels are configured correctly that should rarely if ever happen. However, as you cannot tolerate losing any error events you should probably test extreme error cases to make sure that ETW behaves as you expect.

Vance Morrison

One thing that there are two important points that are not made clear in the discussion above.

  1. ALL the issues associated with dropped events have to do with ETW (Event Tracing for Windows), not EventSource. That is logically EventSOurces talk to EventListeners, and there is built-in listener that forwards to ETW. Obviously when you talk about dropped events, the constraint of ANY link in the chain will affect data flowing through the chain. Thus one way of guaranteeing complete reliability is to use an EventListener that does not use ETW but goes directly to wherever you want the data to go. I believe that the (Semantic Logging Application Block) has such listener.

  2. ETW has been successfully used to reliably forward events, but you do have to live within the constraints mentioned above (the size of the events has to be kept < 64K and you have to keep the event rate under control. Note that if the rate is too high you will know this because the WriteEvent will fail, so you can retry (after pausing), and thus make something that fully reliable (at the expense of slowing down the program). Note that this kind of data loss is just not an interesting issue if you are truly talking about errors (which should not be happening at a huge rate, and if they are happening at a high rate, they are likely to be redundant (the same thing firing rapidly).

So in conclusion EventSource supports reliable events by default, ETW does not support it by default but can be made to support it, but often, ETW's defaults are more than fine.

Try to take a look at Semantic Log (MS Enterprise Library 6) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn440729(v=pandp.60).aspx

You can use Event Source and create listener to record your log to the event viewer or a file or db ( or create a custom solution )

Update: I catch Event ID 806 / 807 even on an IoC scenario. In an interceptor, there was a part of code that instantiates my EventSource class: if you miss the reference of first instance all the others failed on constructor and raise event ids 806 / 807 when write events

For logging big data it is possible to apply message splitting tecniques
