I'd expect this to be fairly routine, but cannot find a simple approach for creating an managing EBS snapshots automatically.
Was hoping there'd be a shceduler in the AWS console.. alas not yet.
Would appreciate any suggestions as to how best to do this on from Ubuntu.
You can easily script something to do this for you.
- setup the EC2 commandline API tools
- set
in order to be able to use the API tools - parse the results of
- delete the appropriate snapshots
The results look something like:
SNAPSHOT snap-xxxxxxxx vol-xxxxxxxx completed 2009-08-26T07:39:33+0000 100%
You can then do some parsing of the dates and sorting and start removing the older snapshots.
NOTE: I don't know if we can trust the sort order but I've never seen it sort any other way than oldest to newest.
To delete a snapshot, use ec2-delete-snapshot snap-xxxxxxxx
The rest I leave to you as a simple Bash script that you can call daily or however often you need from cron.
Take a look at AWS missing tools and especially to https://github.com/colinbjohnson/aws-missing-tools/tree/master/ec2-automate-backup This does what you need.
Shameless plug, but - you can give Ebs2s3 a go: https://github.com/ajmfulcher/ebs2s3
Rails app to automate snapshot creation and prune old snapshots. Introduction and some screenshots here: http://ajmfulcher.blogspot.com/2011/04/ebs2s3-automated-backup-for-amazon-ebs.html
I found this, hope it helps:
ec2-describe-snapshots | sort -r -k 5 | sed 1,6d | awk '{print "Deleting snapshot: " $2}'; system("ec2-delete-snapshot " $2)'
See: Bulk Delete EBS Snapshots From the Command Line (A Howto).
A wonderful script to create an automatic snapshots.
Just copy the code and create a file, then add a cronjob whenever you want it to run.