How do I get an instance of IAppBuilder elsewhere in my ASP.NET MVC 5.2.3 application?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-11-29 18:31:17


I need to build an Owin middle-ware object but not from within the Startup class. I need to build it from within anywhere else in my code, so I need a reference to the AppBuilder instance of the application. Is there a way to get that from anywhere else?


You could simply inject AppBuilder itself to OwinContext. But since Owin context only supports IDisposable object, wrap it in IDisposable object and register it.

public class AppBuilderProvider : IDisposable
    private IAppBuilder _app;
    public AppBuilderProvider(IAppBuilder app)
        _app = app;
    public IAppBuilder Get() { return _app; }
    public void Dispose(){}

public class Startup
    // the startup method
    public void Configure(IAppBuilder app)
        app.CreatePerOwinContext(() => new AppBuilderProvider(app));
        // another context registrations

So in everywhere of your code you have access IAppBuilder object.

public class FooController : Controller
    public ActionResult BarAction()
        var app = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Get<AppBuilderProvider>().Get();
        // rest of your code.        

