Error with Rexcel when starting up Excel

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-11-29 18:13:58

Yes. I have struggled with this myself. Most likely your computations must be computed in a specific order. Typically, some of your (RApply, REval, etc.) calls create some data (e.g. x <- 10) in the R session and later calls will expect that data to exist: compute x^2.

Everything works fine when you build your spreadhseet from scratch. The problem is that when you save it and reopen it, Excel does not know in what order it needs to compute your cells: it figures out its dependency tree by firing out cell computations in a somewhat random order. So what happens is the cell supposed to compute x^2 might be run before the cell that creates x in your R environment, which triggers an error.

This is annoying but as you noticed, the errors do eventually go away after Excel is able to build its dependency tree. If you absolutely need to find a solution to that problem, it will have to involve VBA code to help Excel build its dependency tree in a very specific order.
