error: server did not accept client registration 68

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-11-29 17:40:00


I am trying to build and run the example of the Big Nerd Ranch book: iOS Programming, chapter4.

Compiling works just fine and it runs but the output to console is: server did not accept client registration 68, instead of providing the current GPS position and altitude.

I am runing Xcode 4.1 on OS X Lion with the 4.3 SDK.

There is nothing fancy at all in the code. JUst and instance of Corelocation manager and a simple delegation to

Any clues?


I had the same problem. Apparently it's a bug in Xcode 4.1. There's some code on their forum you can add that fixes it:


Like Brian Liang, I don't think the code offered in the big nerd ranch forums is a fix, per se, because if you use that code, you eliminate not only the application crash "server did not accept client registration 68", you also render the application useless, because the workaround overrides the method that a delegate for CLLocationManager would use to be aware of location updates; overrides it in a way that basically says always update the location to lat:42, long:-50. So the forum code snippet mentioned here does eliminate the application crash, but it makes all location updates amount to the same coordinates, so you really can't use the application anymore. Not a fix in any grander sense of the word. Kind of let down really. Maybe this is just a simulator problem and not an issue on an actual phone?


I had the same issue. Just updated to the latest version of xcode (4.2.1 as of writing) and used the iOS 5.0 SDK instead of 4.3, it works fine now.

