Airflow 1.10 Installation Failing

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-11-29 16:39:53

There are a number of install extras ("optional dependencies") one can provide when doing a fresh install. Airflow doesn't install them all by default because there are dozens and some require special dependencies like Mesos or Kubernetes.

Note that for 1.10.0-1.10.2 you now need to preface install commands or export this env var:


This is no longer required for 1.10.3 and up.

Once 1.10 is released you'll be able to install extras like this:

pip install apache-airflow[celery,devel,postgres]

When installing from git, the pip syntax for installing extras is a little more complicated:

pip install git+git://[celery,devel,postgres]

If you're trying to install Airflow with MySQL support, you can include the mysql extra:

pip install git+git://[mysql]

If you really do want to install all extras, you can use the all extra:

pip install git+git://[all]

Note: If you previously installed any extras for apache-airflow 1.9 on PyPI, you'd need to provide them again here when installing 1.10 from GitHub since pip doesn't associate the GitHub repo with the PyPI package.


  • Are you running Python 3.6.5?
  • Do you still get the same error if you include mysql extra on install?