Adding a context menu item in Windows for a specific file extension

北战南征 提交于 2019-11-29 16:35:27

The general steps to achieve this are as follows:

  1. Fire up regedit
  2. Identify the ProgID for your extension - go to HKCR\.yourextension and take note of the default value (in your case, dllfile)
  3. Navigate to HKCU\Software\Classes (for user) or HKLM\Software\Classes (for all users)
  4. Look for a matching key (in your case dllfile) - if it's not there, create it
  5. Ensure it has a sub-key called shell
  6. Add a sub-key to shell named as the command you want (refer to image below)
  7. Add a sub-key to your new key called command
  8. Modify the (Default) value to be the command you want to execute. %1 will give you the path of the file in context (remember to wrap it in " due to potential white-space in the path)

You seem to have done all the above, so you may be doing something wrong, as this is my result after a quick sanity test:

So, here are a few things I can think of that would make it behave non-intuitively:

  • You're adding this to HKLM rather than HKCU - due to how inheritance works, I do believe adding it to HKLM would require a restart, or at best, a shell restart
  • You've added this to HKCU but your dll requires elevated permissions to access
  • You have some silly syntax error somewhere ;)

The sample command I used to test this was a good old boring "C:\Windows\notepad.exe" "%1"
