Reconstitute PNG file stored as RAW in SQL Database

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-29 14:52:04

Well, we've figured out a solution. The raw vector being returned through RODBC did not match what was in the SQL database. Somewhere in the pipeline, the varbinary object from SQL was getting distorted. I'm not sure why or how. But this answer to a different problem inspired us to recast the variables. As soon as we recast them, we could see the correct representation.

The next problem was that all of our images are more than 8000 bytes, and RODBC only allows 8000 characters at a time. So I had to fumble my way around that. The code below does the following:

  1. Determine the largest number of bytes in an image file
  2. Create a set of variables (ImagePart1, ..., ImagePart[n]) breaking the image into as many parts as necessary, each with max length 8000.
  3. Query the database for all of the images.
  4. Combine the image parts into a single object
  5. Write the images to a local file.

The actual code


lims <- odbcConnect("DATABASE")

#* 1. Determine the largest number of bytes in the largest image file
ImageLength <- sqlQuery(lims, 
                            paste0("SELECT MaxLength = MAX(LEN(u.Image)) ",
                                   "FROM dbo.[User] u"))

#* Create a query string to make a set of variables breaking
#* the images into as many parts as necessary, each with 
#* max length 8000
n_img_vars <- ImageLength$MaxLength %/% 8000 + 1

start <- 1 + 8000 * (0:(n_img_vars - 1))
end <- 8000 + 8000 * (0:(n_img_vars - 1))

img_parts <- paste0("ImagePart", 1:n_img_vars, 
                    " = CAST(SUBSTRING(u.Image, ", start,
                    ", ", end, ") AS VARBINARY(8000))")

full_query <- paste0("SELECT u.OID, u.LastName, u.FirstName,\n",
                     paste0(img_parts, collapse =",\n"), "\n",
                     "FROM dbo.[User] u \n",
                     "WHERE LEN(u.Image) > 0")

#* 3. Query the database for all the images
Images <- sqlQuery(lims, full_query)

#* 4. Combine the images parts into a single object
Images$full_image <- 
  apply(Images[, grepl("ImagePart", names(Images))], 1, 
        function(x)"c", x))

#* 5. Write the images to a local file
for(i in seq_len(nrow(Images))){
  DIR <- "[FILE_DIR]"
  FILENAME <- with(Images, paste0(OID[i], "-", LastName[i], ".png"))
           file.path(DIR, FILENAME))

I may be misinterpreting the question, but it is possible that the raster package should be of help to you.

your_image <- raster(nrows=587,ncols=496,values=db_pal[[1]])

But it doesn't make sense that the length of db_pal[[1]] isn't 291,152 (587*496), so something isn't adding up for me. Do you know where these 291,152 values would be stored?
