Content is not allowed in Prolog SAXParserException

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-11-25 22:24:09

This error is probably related to a byte order mark (BOM) prior to the actual XML content. You need to parse the returned String and discard the BOM, so SAXParser can process the document correctly.

You will find a possible solution here.

to simply remove it, paste your xml file into notepad, you'll see the extra character before the first tag. Remove it & paste back into your file - bof

Check the XML. It is not a valid xml.

Prolog is the first line with xml version info. It ok not to include it in your xml.

This error is thrown when the parser reads an invalid tag at the start of the document. Normally where the prolog resides.


  1. Root/><document>
  2. Root<document>

This error can come if there is validation error either in your wsdl or xsd file. For instance I too got the same issue while running wsdl2java to convert my wsdl file to generate the client. In one of my xsd it was defined as below

<xs:import schemaLocation="" namespace="http://MultiChoice.PaymentService/DataContracts" />

Where the schemaLocation was empty. By providing the proper data in schemaLocation resolved my problem.

<xs:import schemaLocation="multichoice.paymentservice.DataContracts.xsd" namespace="http://MultiChoice.PaymentService/DataContracts" />

I faced the same issue. Our application running on four application servers and due to invalid schema location mentioned on one of the web service WSDL, hung threads are generated on the servers . The appliucations got down frequently. After corrected the schema Location , the issue got resolved.
