Clojure: Idiomatic way to call contains? on a lazy sequence

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-11-29 13:38:34

First, lazy seqs are not efficient for checking membership. Consider using a set instead of a lazy seq.

If a set is impractical, your solution isn't bad. A couple of possible improvements:

  1. "Not empty" is a bit awkward. Just using seq is enough to get a nil-or-truthy value that your users can use in an if.You can wrap that in boolean if you want true or false.

  2. Since you only care about the first match, you can use some instead of filter and seq.

  3. A convenient way to write an equality predicate is with a literal set, like #{key}, though if key is nil this will always return nil whether nil is found our not.

All together that gives you:

(defn lazy-contains? [col key]
  (some #{key} col))

If you use some instead of filter as in your example, you'll get an immediate return as soon as a value is found instead of forcing evaluation of the entire sequence.

(defn lazy-contains? [coll key]
  (boolean (some #(= % key) coll)))

Edit: If you don't coerce the result to a boolean, note that you'll get nil instead of false if the key isn't found.
