Python IPC with matplotlib

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-11-29 12:53:28

So I was able to implement this project in two ways--with and without multiprocess.

  1. I have a main process in a PyQt GUI with a thread which reads from the pipe of the controlling C program's frame number.
  2. When the user selects plots (.py scripts) have the option to press the "execute" button on a batch of plots which keeps them in the main process. From this point if the frame is updated the plots will be updated serially. Slow down begins to occur almost immediately past a handful of plots but is not prohibitive for 10-20 simple time-series plots.
  3. There is an alternative button which allows processing with another process. I was able to do this with POpen and a named pipe or multiprocessing and a multiprocessing Queue. The cleanest way to do this was to make my other processes which create the plots QObjects and use pyqt signals where each of the other processes ended by creating a QApplications in that process, but I had to use ctx = mp.get_context('spawn') on Linux because by default Linux uses a fork and when I created the QApplication it believes the QApplication was already running in the main process. This was the only way I was able to get predictable multprocessing behavior where all of the matplotlib plots would update in the alternative process.

I read matplotlib is not thread-safe on the web, however, with pyqt slots emitting from the threads waiting for the queue reads this seems to be fine.

I chose the implementation to give the user the flexibility for opening plots in the same process or batches of plots in another process rather than predetermined amounts of plots per process thinking that there could be certain plots with complex updates which could be created and those would deserve their own process and could be selected as such. This was also less wasteful than a plot per process for simple plots @ 100MB minimum per process with only 3MB or so of additional required memory for each additional plot in the same process.

One last detail was the user switches the frame quite rapidly potentially. I had the receive process read and empty the queue in a non-blocking daemon thread and grab only the latest information. Once a signal was sent to update the plots a thread lock was grabbed by the plot update loop and the read daemon is again able to emit updates after the update method released the thread lock.

Some sample code of the basic idea of the implementation:
