Understanding Link-entity in FetchXML

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-11-29 12:49:40

Per documentation the below query is totally valid, which means alias, from & link-type are optional.

from always refer to same entity as link-entity node (primary key systemuserid of systemuser in this case). to refers to attribute of entity parent node (owninguser of account in this case)

   <entity name='account'>   
      <attribute name='accountid'/>   
      <attribute name='name'/>   
      <link-entity name='systemuser' to='owninguser'>   

Use a left outer join in FetchXML to query for records "not in"

So explicit link-type='outer' is required for outer join but inner join is default.

Interestingly Fetchxml is full of surprises. You can also refer FetchXML schema
