Run R script in Excel

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-11-29 12:01:39

It seems quite odd that it is opening in RStudio. I would suggest running it straight through R.exe. It looks like the PATH is setup all correctly from what you have told us. So you can call R.exe like this if don't need the output:

Sub RunRscript()
    Shell ("R CMD BATCH C:\R_code\hello.R")
End Sub

If you need the output then you'll need to make a WshShell object like this:

Sub RunRscript()
    Dim output As String
    output = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("R CMD BATCH C:\R_code\hello.R").StdOut.ReadAll
End Sub

This is the older way to run R scripts but should work fine for the time being. You may want to look into your installation of R a bit more to see if there are any other problems.
