Postgres 9.4 jsonb array as table

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-29 11:41:49
Erwin Brandstetter


Your table definition is missing. Assuming:

CREATE TABLE configuration (
  config_id serial PRIMARY KEY
, config jsonb NOT NULL

To find the a value and its row for given oid and instance:

SELECT c.config_id, d->>'value' AS value
FROM   configuration c
     , jsonb_array_elements(config->'data') d  -- default col name is "value"
WHERE  d->>'oid'      = ''
AND    d->>'instance' = '0'
AND    d->>'value'   <> '1'

That's an implicit LATERAL join. Compare:

2) What is the fastest way to get a table with 3 columns of oid, instance and value.

I suppose to use jsonb_populate_recordset(), then you can provide data types in the table definition. Assuming text for all:

CREATE TEMP TABLE data_pattern (oid text, value text, instance text);

Could also be a persisted (non-temp) table. This one is only for the current session. Then:

SELECT c.config_id, d.*
FROM   configuration c
     , jsonb_populate_recordset(NULL::data_pattern, c.config->'data') d

That's all. The first query rewritten:

SELECT c.config_id, d.*
FROM   configuration c
     , jsonb_populate_recordset(NULL::data_pattern, c.config->'data') d
WHERE  d.oid      = ''
AND    d.instance = '0'
AND    d.value   <> '1';

But that's slower than the first query. Key to performance with bigger table is index support:


You could easily index the normalized (translated) table or the alternative layout you proposed in the question. Indexing your current layout is not as obvious, but also possible. For best performance I suggest a functional index on just the data key with the jsonb_path_ops operator class. Per documentation:

The technical difference between a jsonb_ops and a jsonb_path_ops GIN index is that the former creates independent index items for each key and value in the data, while the latter creates index items only for each value in the data.

This should work wonders for performance:

CREATE INDEX configuration_my_idx ON configuration
USING gin ((config->'data') jsonb_path_ops);

One might expect that only a complete match for a JSON array element would work, like:

SELECT * FROM configuration
WHERE  (config->'data') @> '[{"oid": ""
                            , "instance": "0", "value": "1234"}]';

Note the JSON array notation (with enclosing []) of the provided value, that's required.

But array elements with a subset of keys work as well:

SELECT * FROM configuration
WHERE  (config->'data') @> '[{"oid": ""
                            , "instance": "0"}]'

The hard part is to incorporate your seemingly unsuspicious added predicate value <> '1'. Care must be taken to apply all predicates to the same array element. You could combine this with the first query:

SELECT c.*, d->>'value' AS value
FROM   configuration c
     , jsonb_array_elements(config->'data') d
WHERE  (config->'data') @> '[{"oid": "", "instance": "0"}]'
AND    d->>'oid'      = ''  -- must be repeated
AND    d->>'instance' = '0'                               -- must be repeated
AND    d->>'value'   <> '1'                               -- here we can rule out


Special index

If your table is huge, index size may be a deciding factor. You could compare performance of this special solution with a functional index:

This function extracts a Postgres array of oid-instance combinations from a given jsonb value:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_config_json2arr(_j jsonb)
   SELECT (elem->>'oid') || '-' || (elem->>'instance')
   FROM   jsonb_array_elements(_j) elem

We can build a functional index based on this:

CREATE INDEX configuration_conrfig_special_idx ON configuration
USING  gin (f_config_json2arr(config->'data'));

And base the query on it:

SELECT * FROM configuration
WHERE  f_config_json2arr(config->'data') @> '{}'::text[]

The idea is that the index should be substantially smaller because it only stores the combined values without keys. The array containment operator @> itself should perform similar to the jsonb containment operator @>. I don't expect a big difference, but I would be very interested which is faster.

Similar to the first solution in this related answer (but more specialized):


  • I would not use oid as column name since that's also used for internal purposes in Postgres.
  • If possible, I would use a plain, normalized table without JSON.