How to scroll with Appium 1.7.1 using TouchAction

北慕城南 提交于 2019-11-29 08:25:43

I needed scroll to find elements which are out of the screen. What I come up with is:

  1. Search for the element you need on the current/visible screen.
  2. If the element is not found (i.e. out of the screen) - scrollDown (in my case I was needed only scroll down) and go to step 1 again. I had limited the test with 4 iterations as it was enough in my case, so use your own condition here.
private void scrollDown() {
    //if pressX was zero it didn't work for me
    int pressX = driver.manage().window().getSize().width / 2;
    // 4/5 of the screen as the bottom finger-press point
    int bottomY = driver.manage().window().getSize().height * 4/5;
    // just non zero point, as it didn't scroll to zero normally
    int topY = driver.manage().window().getSize().height / 8;
    //scroll with TouchAction by itself
    scroll(pressX, bottomY, pressX, topY);

 * don't forget that it's "natural scroll" where 
 * fromY is the point where you press the and toY where you release it
private void scroll(int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) {
    TouchAction touchAction = new TouchAction(driver);
    touchAction.longPress(fromX, fromY).moveTo(toX, toY).release().perform();

P.S. you could get coordinates from the element and use it in scroll.

P.S.S. I used appium 1.6.5

On Latest Version of Appium need to add(PointOption.point while passing the coordinates) some code for scrolling using TouchAction:

private void scrollDown() {
    //if pressX was zero it didn't work for me
    int pressX = driver.manage().window().getSize().width / 2;
    // 4/5 of the screen as the bottom finger-press point
    int bottomY = driver.manage().window().getSize().height * 4/5;
    // just non zero point, as it didn't scroll to zero normally
    int topY = driver.manage().window().getSize().height / 8;
    //scroll with TouchAction by itself
    scroll(pressX, bottomY, pressX, topY);

private void scroll(int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) {
    TouchAction touchAction = new TouchAction(driver);
    touchAction.longPress(PointOption.point(fromX, fromY)).moveTo(PointOption.point(toX, toY)).release().perform();