Get-Content and show control characters such as `r - visualize control characters in strings

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-11-29 07:27:37

One way is to use Get-Content's -Encoding parameter e.g.:

Get-Content foo.txt -Encoding byte | % {"0x{0:X2}" -f $_}

If you have the PowerShell Community Extensions, you can use the Format-Hex command:

Format-Hex foo.txt

Address:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F ASCII
-------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------
00000000 61 73 66 09 61 73 64 66 61 73 64 66 09 61 73 64 asf.asdfasdf.asd
00000010 66 61 73 0D 0A 61 73 64 66 0D 0A 61 73 09 61 73

If you really want to see "\r\n" in the output than do what BaconBits suggests but you have to use the -Raw parameter e.g.:

(Get-Content foo.txt -Raw) -replace '\r','\r' -replace '\n','\n' -replace '\t','\t'



Below is custom function Debug-String, which visualizes control characters in strings:

  • where available, using PowerShell's own `-prefixed escape-sequence notation (e.g., `r for CR), where a native PowerShell escape is available,

  • falling back to caret notation (e.g., the ASCII-range control character with code point 0x4 - END OF TRANSMISSION - is represented as ^D).

    • Alternatively, you can use the -CaretNotation switch to represent all ASCII-range control characters in caret notation, which gives you output similar to cat -A on Linux and cat -et on macOS/BSD.
  • all other control characters, namely those outside the ASCII range (the ASCII range spanning code points 0x0 - 0x7F) are represented in the form `u{<hex>}, where <hex> is the hex. representation of the code point with up to 6 digits; e.g., `u{85} is Unicode char. U+0085, the NEXT LINE control char.; this notation is now also supported in expandable strings ("..."), but only in PowerShell Core.

Applied to your use case, you'd use (requires PSv3+, due to use of Get-Content -Raw to ensure the file is read as a whole; without it, information about the line endings would be lost):

Get-Content -Raw $file | Debug-String

Two simple examples:

Using PowerShell's escape-sequence notations. Note that this only looks like a no-op: the `-prefixed sequences inside "..." strings create actual control characters.

PS> "a`ab`t c`0d`r`n" | Debug-String
a`ab`t c`0d`r`n

Using -CaretNotation, with output similar to cat -A on Linux:

PS> "a`ab`t c`0d`r`n" | Debug-String -CaretNotation
a^Gb^I c^@d^M$

Debug-String source code:

Function Debug-String {
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]
    [string] $String
    [switch] $CaretNotation

  begin {
    # \p{C} matches any Unicode control character, both inside and outside
    # the ASCII range; note that tabs (`t) are control character too, but not spaces.
    $re = [regex] '\p{C}'

  process {

    $re.Replace($String, {
      $handled = $False
      if (-not $CaretNotation) {
        # Translate control chars. that have native PS escape sequences into them.
        $handled = $True
        switch ([Int16] [char] $match.Value) {
          0  { '`0'; break }
          7  { '`a'; break }
          8  { '`b'; break }
          12 { '`f'; break }
          10 { '`n'; break }
          13 { '`r'; break }
          9  { '`t'; break }
          11 { '`v'; break }
          default { $handled = $false }
        } # switch
      if (-not $handled) {
          switch ([Int16] [char] $match.Value) {
            10 { '$'; break } # cat -A / cat -e visualizes LFs as '$'
            # If it's a control character in the ASCII range, 
            # use caret notation too (C0 range).
            # See
            { $_ -ge 0 -and $_ -le 31 -or $_ -eq 127 } {
              # Caret notation is based on the letter obtained by adding the
              # control-character code point to the code point of '@' (64).
              '^' + [char] (64 + $_)
            # NON-ASCII control characters; use the - PS Core-only - Unicode
            # escape-sequence notation:
            default { '`u{{{0}}}' -f ([int16] [char] $_).ToString('x') }
      } # if (-not $handled)
    })  # .Replace
  } # process


For brevity I haven't included the comment-based help above; here it is:

Outputs a string in diagnostic form.

Prints a string with normally hidden control characters visualized.

Common control characters are visualized using PowerShell's own escaping 
notation by default, such as
"`t" for a tab, "`n" for a LF, and "`r" for a CR.

Any other control characters in the ASCII range (C0 control characters)
are represented in caret notation (see

If you want all ASCII range control characters visualized using caret notation,
except LF visualized as "$", similiar to `cat -A` on Linux, for instance, 
use -CaretNotation.

Non-ASCII control characters are visualized by their Unicode code point
in the form `u{<hex>}, where <hex> is the hex. representation of the
code point with up to 6 digits; e.g., `u{85} is U+0085, the NEXT LINE
control char.

.PARAMETER CaretNotation
Causes LF to be visualized as "$" and all other ASCII-range control characters
in caret notation, similar to `cat -A` on Linux.

PS> "a`ab`t c`0d`r`n" | Debug-String
a`ab`t c`0d`r`n

PS> "a`ab`t c`0d`r`n" | Debug-String -CaretNotation
a^Gb^I c^@d^M$

Here's one way using a regular expression replacement:

function Printable([string] $s) {
    $Matcher = 

      $x = $m.Groups[0].Value
      $c = [int]($x.ToCharArray())[0]
      switch ($c)
          9 { '\t' }
          13 { '\r' }
          10 { '\n' }
          92 { '\\' }
          Default { "\$c" }
    return ([regex]'[^ -~\\]').Replace($s, $Matcher)

PS C:\> $a = [char[]](65,66,67, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

PS C:\> $b = $a -join ""

PS C:\> Printable $b