Javascript based spell-checkers for web applications

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-11-29 04:33:22

I agree that a spell-checker should be native if it's running at all times. If the client demands an explicit spell checker, though, it should be implemented as a button to be clicked when needed. It might also be worth firing that XHR request after the user has stopped typing for a certain amount of time, like SO does for syntax highlighting when writing a post.

I used After the Deadline for my school newspaper's back-end spell-checker, since it is powerful, checked for simple grammar errors as well, and integrated easily with TinyMCE. There's also a jQuery plugin to integrate with the service.

I've done some research on this problem for a web application that I am planning.

Googie Spell is very good, you can use their servers or run your own python backend.

There's a demo here.
