I have a basic Node JS server which is designed to be used as an API, I've created a log and database module and I've started adding other modules to deal with different request types.
I'm using Express.js and node-mysql
When I visit /v1/group
I get the following error -
TypeError: Cannot read property 'database' of undefined
at Group.getAll (C:\code\javascript\node\api\api\v1\groups.js:12:23)
at callbacks (C:\code\javascript\node\api\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:161:37) ...
So I guess after recieving a request and calling group.getAll()
that this
is undefined but I don't understand why, is there a way to set this
or have I structured my application all wrong?
"use strict";
var Express = require('express');
var Log = require('./database/log');
var Database = require('./database/database');
var dbConfig = require('./dbconfig.json');
var Group = require('./api/v1/groups');
//Init express
var app = new Express();
//Init log and database
var log = new Log();
var database = new Database(dbConfig, log);
var initCallback = function() {
//Init routes
var group = new Group(database, log);
//Group routes
app.get('/v1/group', group.getAll);
app.get('/v1/group/:id', group.getByID);
log.logMessage("INFO", "Listening on port 3000");
//Test database connection
database.getConnection(function(err, connection) {
if (err) {
log.logMessage("FATAL", "Error connecting to database, check database is running and the dbconfig.json file is present and correct.");
"use strict";
var mysql = require('mysql');
var Database = function(dbConfig, log) {
this.connected = false;
this.log = log;
this.log.logMessage("INFO", "Connecting to database with: Host - " + dbConfig.dbhost + ", Database port - " + dbConfig.dbport + ", Database name - " + dbConfig.dbname + ", User " + dbConfig.dbuser + ", Password length - " + dbConfig.dbpass.length);
this.pool = mysql.createPool({
host : dbConfig.dbhost,
user : dbConfig.dbuser,
port: dbConfig.dbport,
password : dbConfig.dbpass,
database: dbConfig.dbname
Database.prototype.getConnection = function() {
var args = arguments;
return this.pool.getConnection.apply(this.pool, arguments);
module.exports = Database;
"use strict";
var Group = function(database, log) {
this.database = database;
this.log = log;
Group.prototype.getAll = function(req, res) {
console.log(this); // --> undefined
var query = 'SELECT * FROM invgroups WHERE published = 1';
this.database.getConnection(function(err, connection) { // --> error line
if (err) { res.send(500, "Database error"); }
connection.query(query, function(err, results) {
if (err) { res.send(500, "Database error"); }
Group.prototype.getByID = function(req, res) {
res.send({name: "Group Item 1"});
module.exports = Group;
You need to properly bind the function.
app.get('/v1/group', group.getAll);
only passes the getAll
function as a handler, but the function itself has no concept of this
. this
is decided based on the context that is bound, or based on how the function is called. This blog post is useful for understanding how function context works.
app.get('/v1/group', group.getAll.bind(group));