To string on a collection can get into a infinite loop if somewhere in the graph of collected items is a reference back to itself. See example below.
Yes, good coding practices should prevent this in the first place, but anyway, my question is: What is the most efficient way to detect a recursion in this situation?
One approach is to use a set in a threadlocal, but that seems a bit heavy.
public class AntiRecusionList<E> extends ArrayList<E> {
public String toString() {
if ( /* ???? test if "this" has been seen before */ ) {
return "{skipping recursion}";
} else {
return super.toString();
public class AntiRecusionListTest {
public void testToString() throws Exception {
AntiRecusionList<AntiRecusionList> list1 = new AntiRecusionList<>();
AntiRecusionList<AntiRecusionList> list2 = new AntiRecusionList<>();
list1.toString(); //BOOM !
When I have to iterate over risky graphs, I usually make a function with a decrementing counter.
For example :
public String toString(int dec) {
if ( dec<=0 ) {
return "{skipping recursion}";
} else {
return super.toString(dec-1);
public String toString() {
return toString(100);
I won't insist on it, as you already know it, but that doesn't respect the contract of toString()
which has to be short and predictable.
The threadlocal bit I mentioned in the question:
public class AntiRecusionList<E> extends ArrayList<E> {
private final ThreadLocal<IdentityHashMap<AntiRecusionList<E>, ?>> fToStringChecker =
new ThreadLocal<IdentityHashMap<AntiRecusionList<E>, ?>>() {
protected IdentityHashMap<AntiRecusionList<E>, ?> initialValue() {
return new IdentityHashMap<>();
public String toString() {
boolean entry = fToStringChecker.get().size() == 0;
try {
if (fToStringChecker.get().containsKey(this)/* test if "this" has been seen before */) {
return "{skipping recursion}";
} else {
fToStringChecker.get().put(this, null);
entry = true;
return super.toString();
} finally {
if (entry)
You can create toString which takes an identity hash set.
public String toString() {
return toString(Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<Object, Boolean>()));
private String toString(Set<Object> seen) {
if (seen.add(this)) {
// to string this
} else {
return "{this}";
The problem is not inherent to collections, it can happen with any graph of objects that have cyclic references, e.g., a doubly-linked list.
I think that a sane policy is: the toString()
method of your class should not call toString()
of its children/referenced if there is a possibility that it's part of a object graph with cycles. Elsewhere, we could have a special methods (perhaps static, perhaps as an auxiliary class) that produces a string representation of the full graph.
You could always keep track of recursion as follows (no threading issues taken into account):
public static class AntiRecusionList<E> extends ArrayList<E> {
private boolean recursion = false;
public String toString() {
//Recursion's base case. Just return immediatelly with an empty string
return "";
recursion = true;//start a perhaps recursive call
String result = super.toString();
recursion = false;//recursive call ended
return result;
I recommend using ToStringBuilder from Apache Commons Lang. Internally it uses a ThreadLocal Map to "detect cyclical object references and avoid infinite loops."
The simplest way: don't call toString()
on the elements of a collection or a map, ever. Just print a []
to indicate that it's a collection or map, and avoid iterating over it entirely. It's the only bullet-proof way to avoid falling in an infinite recursion.
In the general case, you can't anticipate what elements are going to be in a Collection
or Map
inside another object, and the dependency graph could be quite complex, leading to unexpected situations where a cycle occurs in the object graph.
What IDE are you using? because in Eclipse there's an option to explicitly handle this case when generating the toString()
method via the code generators - that's what I use, when an attribute happens to be a non-null collection or map print []
regardless of how many elements it contains.
If you want to go overboard, you could use an aspect that tracks nested collections whenever you call toString().
public aspect ToStringTracker() {
Stack collections = new Stack();
around( java.util.Collection c ): call(String java.util.Collection+.toString()) && target(c) {
if (collections.contains(c)) { return "recursion"; }
else {
String r = c.toString();
return r;
I'm never 100% on syntax without throwing this into Eclipse, but I think you get the idea
maybe you could create an Exception in your toString and leverage on the stacktrace to know where you are in the stack, and you would find it there are recursive calls. Some framework does this way.
public String toString() {
// ...
Exception exception = new Exception();
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = exception.getStackTrace();
// now you analyze the array: stack trace elements have
// 4 properties: check className, lineNumber and methodName.
// if analyzing the array you find recursion you stop propagating the calls
// and your stack won't explode