After upgrading to PostgreSQL 9.4, how do I convert all my JSON columns into JSONB columns?
I don't mind losing any duplicate keys and whitespace.
ALTER TABLE t ALTER COLUMN j TYPE jsonb USING j::text::jsonb;
In the context of Rails, here is an ActiveRecord migration alternative:
def change
reversible do |dir|
dir.up { change_column :models, :attribute, 'jsonb USING CAST(attribute AS jsonb)' }
dir.down { change_column :models, :attribute, 'json USING CAST(attribute AS json)' }
I tested this on a table with 120 000 records, each record having four json
columns and it took me about a minute to migrate that table. Of course, it depends on how complex the json
structure is.
Also, notice that if your existing records have a default value of {}
, you have to add to the above statements default: {}
, because otherwise you'll have jsonb
columns, but the default value will remain as '{}'::json