rails 4 strong params + dynamic hstore keys

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-11-28 21:31:18

If I understand correctly, you would like to whitelist a hash of dynamic keys. You can use some ruby code as follows to do this:

params.require(:article).permit(:name).tap do |whitelisted|
  whitelisted[:content] = params[:article][:content] 

This worked for me, hope it helps!

I'm doing something similar and found this to be a bit cleaner and work well.

Assuming a model called Article you can access your :content indexed stored_attributes like this: Article.stored_attributes[:content]

So your strong params looks like this:

params.require(:article).permit(:name, content: Article.stored_attributes[:content])

Assuming your params are structured like: { article => { name : "", content : [en, fr,..] } }

As people have said, it is not enough to permit the :content param - you need to permit the keys in the hash as well. Keeping things in the policy, I did that like so:

  # in controller...

  def model_params

  # in policy...

  def permitted_params(in_params = {})
    params = []

    params << :foo
    params << :bar

    # ghetto hack support to get permitted params to handle hashes with keys or without

    if in_params.has_key?(:content)
      content = in_params[:content]
      params << { :content => content.empty? ? {} : content.keys }