Are international characters (e.g. umlaut characters) valid in the local part of email addresses?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-11-28 19:38:09

Yes, they are valid characters as long as the mail exchanger responsible for the email address supports the UTF8SMTP extension, discussed in RFC 5336. Beware that just a small portion of the mail exchangers out there supports internationalized email addresses.

Both our email validation component for Microsoft .NET and our REST email validation service, for example, allow UTF8 characters in the local part of an email address but will mark it as invalid if its related mail exchanger does not support the aforementioned extension. is your latest standards track reference. Generally it is not advisable to use characters which require quoting due to the outrageously high amount of standards unconformant MTAs out there. Such email are bound to get lost in the long run.

As a friendly advice this table is pretty useful too:

It looks like rfc6531 replaces 5336 and it is "PROPOSED STANDARD"
