assign headers based on existing row in dataframe in R

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-11-28 16:30:51
Vishnu Jayanand

The key here is to unlist the row first.

colnames(DF) <- as.character(unlist(DF[1,]))
DF = DF[-1, ]

Try this:

colnames(DF) = DF[1, ] # the first row will be the header
DF = DF[-1, ]          # removing the first row.

However, get a look if the data has been properly read. If you data.frame has numeric variables but the first row were characters, all the data has been read as character. To avoid this problem, it's better to save the data and read again with header=TRUE as you suggest. You can also get a look to this question: Reading a CSV file organized horizontally.

Very similar to Vishnu's answer but uses the lapply to map all the data to characters then to assign them as the headers. This is really helpful if your data is imported as factors.

DF[] <- lapply(DF, as.character)
colnames(DF) <- DF[1, ]
DF <- DF[-1 ,]

note that that if you have a lot of numeric data or factors you want you'll need to convert them back. In this case it may make sense to store the character data frame, extract the row you want, and then apply it to the original data frame

tempDF <- DF
tempDF[] <- lapply(DF, as.character)
colnames(DF) <- tempDF[1, ]
DF <- DF[-1 ,]
tempDF <- NULL