Parse or view JSON data fields using JQ tool utility where field names have a “-” dash in the key name

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-11-28 14:50:43

"-" is used for negation in jq. For key names with special characters such as "-", one cannot use the simplified ".keyname" syntax. There are several alternatives, but the most robust is simply to use the form .["KEY NAME"], which can be abbreviated to ["KEY NAME"] when chained, e.g. .a["b-c"] is shorthand for .a | .["b-c"].

If in doubt, use the pipe explicitly.

For further information, please consult the jq manual and/or

I don't know about jq, but you put python in the tags so:

$ cat test.json | python -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['content']['book1']['field-three']['name'])"

or without the pipe:

$ python -c "import json; print(json.load(open('test.json'))['content']['book1']['field-three']['name'])"

As explained in the jq manual, to handle keys with non-identifier characters like - you can use double quotes.

From the shell this is easiest if you use single quotes around your filter. For example, try the following commands:

cat /tmp/ | jq '.pages'
cat /tmp/ | jq '.pages.book1[0]'
cat /tmp/ | jq '.pages.book1[1]'
cat /tmp/ | jq '.content'
cat /tmp/ | jq '.content.book1'
cat /tmp/ | jq ''
cat /tmp/ | jq '.content.book1.field1'
cat /tmp/ | jq '.content.book1."field-2"'
cat /tmp/ | jq '.content.book1."field-three"'
cat /tmp/ | jq '.content.book1."field-three".url'
cat /tmp/ | jq '.content.book1.authur'
cat /tmp/ | jq '.content.book1.route'

Hm..took some time but finally it seems like we need to DOUBLE QUOTE it and back slash just the double quote for any key name containing a - in it's name.

$ cat /tmp/| jq ".content.book1.\"field-2\""                    

$ cat /tmp/| jq ".content.book1.\"field-three\".\"url\""  

OR if you wrap everything in a single quotes ', then we do NOT need to backslash " double quotes but use double quotes for key names with - in their name.

$ cat /tmp/| jq '.content.book1."field-three"."url"'  

Hope it helps! Took some help/hint from

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