Fluentd SSL/TLS secured TCP output plugin to generic receiver (Logstash)?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-28 13:09:38

After spending days on searching for an existing plugin, I decided that there is none and I shall write it myself!

fluent-plugin-loomsystems A fluentd output plugin for secured TCP forwarding :)

To add the plugin to your fluentd agent, use the following command:

gem install fluent-plugin-loomsystems

To match events and send them anywhere you'd like, simply add the following code to your fluentd configuration file.

<match **>
  @type loomsystems
  host <your-beloved-host>

After a restart of Fluentd, all flunetd events will be sent to your host.

The plugin opens a new ssl connection by default but can be configured to send on a non secured tcp mode.

<match tag-life.**>
  @type loomsystems
  host <your-beloved-host>
  use_ssl false

I welcome you to star, suggest, and contribute the plugin, enjoy :)

@dorony : I was trying to use it but unable to make it work. I am running openshift-3.6.0 locally on docker containers. I added below configuration in fluentd.conf:

<match **>
    @type loomsystems
    port 4000
    use_ssl false

And below configuration in my logstash input.conf. However i am unable to receive any logs in logstash. Even there is no connection. I am not getting any error in fluentd logs.

input {
   tcp {
     codec => fluent
     port => 4000