Initializing Cython objects with existing C Objects

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-11-28 11:18:48

The way this works in Cython is by having a factory class to create Python objects out of the shared pointer. This gives you access to the underlying C/C++ structure without copying.

Example Cython code:


cdef class MyStruct:
    cdef shared_ptr[mystruct] ptr

    def __cinit__(self):
        # Do not create new ref here, we will
        # pass one in from Cython code
        self.ptr = NULL

    def __dealloc__(self):
        # Do de-allocation here, important!
        if self.ptr is not NULL:

    <rest per MyStruct code above>

cdef object PyStruct(shared_ptr[mystruct] MyStruct_ptr):
    """Python object factory class taking Cpp mystruct pointer
    as argument
    # Create new MyStruct object. This does not create
    # new structure but does allocate a null pointer
    cdef MyStruct _mystruct = MyStruct()
    # Set pointer of cdef class to existing struct ptr
    _mystruct.ptr = MyStruct_ptr
    # Return the wrapped MyStruct object with MyStruct_ptr
    return _mystruct

def make_structure():
    """Function to create new Cpp mystruct and return
    python object representation of it
    cdef MyStruct mypystruct = PyStruct(new mystruct)
    return mypystruct

Note the type for the argument of PyStruct is a pointer to the Cpp struct.

mypystruct then is a python object of class MyStruct, as returned by the factory class, which refers to the Cpp mystruct without copying. mypystruct can be safely returned in def cython functions and used in python space, per make_structure code.

To return a Python object of an existing Cpp mystruct pointer just wrap it with PyStruct like

return PyStruct(my_cpp_struct_ptr)

anywhere in your Cython code.

Obviously only def functions are visible there so the Cpp function calls would need to be wrapped as well inside MyStruct if they are to be used in Python space, at least if you want the Cpp function calls inside the Cython class to let go of the GiL (probably worth doing for obvious reasons).

For a real-world example see this Cython extension code and the underlying C code bindings in Cython. Also see this code for Python function wrapping of C function calls that let go of GIL. Not Cpp but same applies.

See also official Cython documentation on when a factory class/function is needed (Note that all constructor arguments will be passed as Python objects). For built in types, Cython does this conversion for you but for custom structures or objects a factory class/function is needed.

The Cpp structure initialisation could be handled in __new__ of PyStruct if needed, per suggestion above, if you want the factory class to actually create the C++ structure for you (depends on the use case really).

The benefit of a factory class with pointer arguments is it allows you to use existing pointers of C/C++ structures and wrap them in a Python extension class, rather than always having to create new ones. It would be perfectly safe to, for example, have multiple Python objects referring to the same underlying C struct. Python's ref counting ensures they won't be de-allocated prematurely. You should still check for null when deallocating though as the shared pointer could already had been de-allocated explicitly (eg, by del).

Note that there is, however, some overhead in creating new python objects even if they do point to the same C++ structure. Not a lot, but still.

IMO this auto de-allocation and ref counting of C/C++ pointers is one of the greatest features of Python's C extension API. As all that acts on Python objects (alone), the C/C++ structures need to be wrapped in a compatible Python object class definition.

Note - My experience is mostly in C, the above may need adjusting as I'm more familiar with regular C pointers than C++'s shared pointers.
