Escape Catch-22 with extension attributes in .NET 2.0

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-11-28 11:11:55

We ran into the same issue with IronPython.

We ended up moving our custom version of ExtensionAttribute to its own assembly. That way, customers could choose between referencing our custom ExtensionAttribute assembly or System.Core - but never both!

The other tricky thing is that you have to always deploy the ExtensionAttribute assembly - even if you don't reference it in your project. Your project assemblies that expose extension methods will have an assemblyref to that custom ExtensionAttribute assembly, so CLR will get upset if it can't be found.

Given the hard requirement of .NET 2.0 support, I would think the best bet would be to simply not use extension methods at all. I'm not familiar with the ImageResizer project, but it sounds like this was a recent change in ImageResizer. How feasible would it be to change the extension methods to traditional static methods? We actually thought about that for IronPython/DLR, but it wasn't feasible (We were merged with LINQ at that point and LINQ had made heavy use of extension methods for essentially its entire existence).
