How can I suppress all JavaScript runtime error popups, from the programmers side?
To suppress all JavaScript errors there seems to be a window.onerror
If it is replaced as early as possible(e.g. right after the head) by a function which returns true - there will be no error popups, which is quite useful after debugging is done.
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onerror = function(message, url, lineNumber) {
// code to execute on an error
return true; // prevents browser error messages
Error Logging is possible too, as explained here
Leonardo Ciaccio
I made a little script for suppressing an error like "@" does in PHP.
Here is an example.
var at = function( test ) {
try {
if(typeof test === "function") return test();
else return test || null;
} catch (e) {
return null;