SerializationBinder with List<T>

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-11-28 11:10:34

If you serialized an instance of List< MyClass > from your version assembly, the SerializationBinder.BindToType function will be asked to provide this type:

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[MyAssembly.MyClass, MyAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=12345678901234567890]]

In order to remap the List< MyClass > type to your version assembly, you need to change the type name to this:

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[MyAssembly.MyClass, MyAssembly]]

The main point to note, is that the assembly name is not fully qualified. If you try to fully qualify the assembly name with a version number, it will not work.

Application A creates a Serialized Binary formatter file "SerializedList.bin" which contains List(Result) where Result is the Serializable object. Now Application B wants to DeSerialize the file and load into List(Result) object. This is how I got it working..


Application A Assembly Name is "Serialize"
Application B Assembly Name is "DeSerialize"

Application A Code(Serialize):

namespace Serialize
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<Result> result = ;//Get From DB

        IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
        Stream sStream = new FileStream(

        formatter.Serialize(sStream, result);


Some Result Object:

public class Result
    public decimal CONTACT_ID { get; set; }
    public decimal INSTITUTION_NBR { get; set; }

Application B Code (DeSerialize):

namespace DeSerialize
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

        string fromTypeName = "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Serialize.Result, Serialize, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]";
        string fromTypeName1 = "Serialize.Result";

        string toTypename = "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[DeSerialize.Result]";
        string toTypename1 = "DeSerialize.Result";
        string toTypeAssemblyName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName;

        DictionarySerializationBinder dic = new DictionarySerializationBinder();
        dic.AddBinding(fromTypeName, toTypename);
        dic.AddAssemblyQualifiedTypeBinding(fromTypeName1, toTypename1, toTypeAssemblyName);

        formatter.Binder = dic;

        Stream dStream = new FileStream(

        List<Result> listDS =


sealed class DictionarySerializationBinder : SerializationBinder
    Dictionary<string, Type> _typeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Type>();

    public override Type BindToType(string assemblyName, string typeName)
        Type typeToReturn;

        if (_typeDictionary.TryGetValue(typeName, out typeToReturn))
            return typeToReturn;

            return null;

    public void AddBinding(string fromTypeName, string toTypeName)

        Type toType = Type.GetType(toTypeName);

        if (toType == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
            "Help, I could not convert '{0}' to a valid type.", toTypeName));

        _typeDictionary.Add(fromTypeName, toType);


    public void AddAssemblyQualifiedTypeBinding(string fromTypeName, string toTypeName, string toTypeAssemblyName)

        Type typeToSerializeTo = GetAssemblyQualifiedType(toTypeAssemblyName, toTypeName);

        if (typeToSerializeTo == null)

            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(

            "Help, I could not convert '{0}' to a valid type.", toTypeName));


        _typeDictionary.Add(fromTypeName, typeToSerializeTo);


    private static Type GetAssemblyQualifiedType(string assemblyName, string typeName)

        return Type.GetType(String.Format("{0}, {1}", typeName, assemblyName));



Just handle AppDomain.AssemblyResolve event and return the desired assembly when calling Type.GetType method. That's as simple as that!
