Parse JavaScript SDK and Promise Chaining

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-11-28 10:35:31

I'd clean it up as follows, relying on Promise.when ...

var savePromises = [];  // this will collect save promises 
var emailPromises = [];  // this will collect email promises 

// your code to setup the query here
// notice that this uses find() here, not each()
query.find(function(subscriptions) {
    _.each(subscriptions, function(subscription) { // or a for loop, if you don't use underscore

        // modify each subscription, then

        // prepare each email then
        var emailPromise = Mailgun.sendEmail({ /* your email params object here */ });

    // now do the saves
    return Parse.Promise.when(savePromises);
}).then(function() {
    // now do the emails
    return Parse.Promise.when(emailPromises);
}).then(function() {
    // Set the job's success status
    status.success("Subscriptions successfully fetched");

// and so on with your code

You might also consider combining the saves and the emails into one big array of promises, but it might be better to do it in two batches serially since they have different failure modes.
