How do I make OpenSSL write the RANDFILE on Windows Vista?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-28 09:46:32

The root issue is that the RANDFILE variable in the OpenSSL configuration file is ignored on Windows. This has been a long-standing problem that continues to exist as of the OpenSSL v1.0a release, regardless of whether the target Windows platform is x86 or x64.

There is a delightfully simple solution, though. Merely use a regular environmental var to set the RANDFILE value, like

set RANDFILE=.rnd

Because this value is ephemeral, it must be re-issued for every new DOS box, or scripted in a batch file.

John Boker

I found this that might help: Using OpenSSL what does "unable to write 'random state'" mean?

also, here:

there is a suggestion here on how to get it working in vista.

find the location of cmd.exe, right click and run as administrator

I had the same issue but for Windows 7. Easily solved, I created a system Environment Variable called HOME and set it to the directory I wanted my .rnd file in. This solved the issue because OpenSSL didn't know where my .rnd file was (because I didn't have one) and it didn't know where to put it if it was to create it. As soon as I set my environment variable HOME with a directory (c:\ is fine!) I reran my key generation in OpenSSL and it worked straight off. To verify, I checked the key I had created and it had proper content. I also checked the directory I set my HOME environment variable to, and lo and behold a .rnd file was sat there! Hope this helps someone :-)


Add a HOME variable into your environment variables.

The issue is that the script is missing some access rights or cant find the file.

The solution:

Create a system variable with the name RANDFILE and the value %USERPROFILE%.rnd

Notice the %USERPROFILE%, is a system variable that automatic inserts the path to your user profile.
